About Vegas Matt
Vegas Matt has been a gambler all his life. In 2012, he moved to Vegas and found himself gambling all the time in his semi retirement. In 2015, he met his great friend who has become known as WBG (World’s Biggest Gambler).
In late 2021, Matt was gambling with his son EJ and some friends when Matt hit a Royal flush and proceeded to celebrate with one of his crazy trademark victory celebrations that EJ captured on video. Just for grins, EJ created a tik tok account called “Vegas Matt” and posted that clip. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Over the past couple of years, the team of Vegas Matt, EJ, and WBG have been filming their daily gambling adventures. They are often accompanied by a cast of characters including Matt’s wife/EJ’s mom (Vegas Mom), the man with the booming voice known as W2Jesus, Coach Z, and lucky Rob among other guests and collaborators. The channel has rocketed to the number one most viewed gambling channel in the world and the team is known as much for their authentic, and, some would say witty banter as they are known for their sometimes insanely big gambles.
The team is extraordinarily grateful to the incredible people who watch us and have made this amazing journey possible. We are excited about the future and hope to run in to you at a casino in person some day!